Objective Driven Design from SoA Down to the Kernel and Wire
With years of experience across industries and disciplines, our consultants design technology solutions around client-defined business logic. Multi-site service oriented architectures, userspace applications, or embedded device operating systems all require planning and definition to ensure smooth engineering and release phases down the line. From business logic to bullet-point specification, Semper Victus architectural services may be the right place to start your critical system design.
Service Oriented Architecture
In the world of 5 9's SLA, "downtime" becomes a profanity best not uttered in polite company (or around the boss). Designing complex systems to withstand unknown loads and conditions often requires a categorical approach to risk, wherein mitigations and tolerances are not based on a type of failure but a category of component being lost (localized or not). With multiple clouds, big data platforms, and corporate application architectures designed, built, and deployed, Semper Victus consultants offer clients experienced insight into the design and later phases of these complicated projects.
Datacenter operations are a myriad of capital and operating expenses which have to deliver and often illustrate their ROI to non-technical stakeholders. From private clouds and Big Data clusters to core infrastructure and networking operations, our teams help clients identify their objectives, constraints, and requirements as well as scoping details of subsequent implementations to a granular specification. Working with specialized channel partners, Semper Victus can absorb the entire design and logistics process for datacenter implementations of any rational scale.
Software (applications or complex constructs) behaves most consistently when it is operating with an explicitly defined set of functionality and constraints. Definition of these aspects before pencil hits paper reduces the need for an eraser down the line. Semper Victus developers and architects work with clients at multiple levels to create a comprehensive design and defined architecture to ensure a structured development process. Top-down or bottom-up design approaches are implemented to define critical and supplemental functions for each component and objective, the product is bounded by logical or operating constraints to define the specification which guides development.
Systems are not all created equal, in their purpose, design, or implementation. Critical systems need to maintain services despite operating or security adversity in the field (such as a gas valve or a cardio implant). Semper Victus architects have experience in environments ranging from the operating room to the operating theater. Together with our industry partners we help our clients design systems for harsh and critical operating environments or conditions.