Implement, Harden, Maintain, and Improve Software and Systems.
By utilizing devops for configuration management and deployment, aggregate logging and monitoring, and continuous integration/autonomous testing for software and systems; Semper Victus consultants and partners bring repeatable, predictable, and verified execution to tasks ranging from datacenter deployments to software development. Automation will never replace the human talent required to effectively bring systems and software to bear, but it can supplant our weak points such as mistakes made on the Nth iteration of a tedious task-list, or keeping detailed notes from every step of that list as we complete it for efficient debugging when the inevitable error occurs.
Environmental and systems hardening approaches benefit from similar techniques to build layered defenses. Increasing blue team awareness in human and autonomous elements via telemetry aggregation and processing provides the groundwork for effective decision making. Human and mechanical defenders can subsequently take action with greater precision - intrusion prevention/reaction as opposed to naive logging of the indicators. Tiered hardening of components and configurations supplants the "awareness driven" defense model to provide additional barriers to entry for attackers, further slowing them and extending the relative effective response window.
Technology lifecycles do not stop at deployment, systems and software require ongoing maintenance to address internal, environmental, and security concerns. The very same data streams used to inform defensive action can be leveraged for sys ops efficacy. Active monitoring and modelling of resulting telemetry permits informed actions to be taken - alerting the responsible party, running a script to "fix a recurring issue," etc. Semper Victus engagements strive to improve the efficacy of internal teams by augmenting them with the expertise and tooling permitting focus on the outlying problems which actually require human intervention.
Over the course of their lifetime, components provide useful telemetry regarding loads, latencies, bottlenecks, and usage patterns among other data points. Semper Victus consultants work with client resources to identify key indicators and apply autonomous collection and analysis to these metrics. This process informs developers and engineers as to which resource quantities need to be adjusted or aspects of the design to revisit, and with which priority.